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Video Marketing Statistics
Report: Trends You Need to
Know in 2023
Complete Guide for Video Marketing Trends:
Highlights from a Marketing Study Report 2023
The video marketing landscape is always changing, and it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends. That’s why we’ve put together a detailed research report on trends and usage of video marketing in 2023. All data and statistics are gathered from the response and feedback of both marketing professionals and industry experts, so you can be sure that you’re getting the most accurate information possible
Unfolding the Top Trends of Video Marketing in 2023
It’s no secret that video has been one of the most popular marketing trends for the past ten years. But to maintain its success, it’s important to understand what’s happening in the video marketing world right now and how it might be affected by global events.
As video marketing continues to grow in popularity, we decided to conduct a survey to get a better understanding of how it’s being used, what channels are most popular, and what consumers think about it. The results of our survey are outlined in the “State of Video Marketing in 2023” report.
Methodologies We Used While Creating a Video Marketing Survey Report
It’s been a slow and steady climb, but the usage of videos as a marketing tool, spending, and ROI has all crept upward over the years. But according to this year’s survey results, we’re far from reaching saturation point video marketing is continuing to grow in popularity and achieve better results for marketers than ever before.
To evaluate how the video marketing landscape is changing and growing, our survey was taken by a sample of 528 unique respondents consisting of professional marketers and industry experts. Only around 8% of those surveyed were online customers. This provides us with valuable insights into how professionals in the field view the changes and growth in this landscape.
Key Insights of Video Marketing in 2023
While conducting this survey, we found that there was a lack of information available when it came to production processes in the video marketing industry. Many of the publicly available statistics focus on how consumers interact with videos and why marketing teams prioritize video, but there is very little information about how these teams approach the production process itself.
The statistics we collected from our sample of 528 unique respondents from digital marketing and other industries show some key insights into video marketing trends for 2023. Let’s have a look!
Infobrandz Original Report Data from 582 Unique Respondents Surveyed in January 2023
Almost 82% of respondents said they had made video content in the last three years – with about a third of that group handling production themselves, and the rest outsourcing to others.
63% of marketers said engagement was the most important metric they would be tracking – with traffic, conversion rate, watch time, impressions, and click-through rate all coming in a close second.
Video is becoming increasingly important for marketers, with 92% of respondents believing that it will play a role in marketing in the coming years. This is up from 82% last year, highlighting the trend.
93% of marketing experts plan to include video in their marketing strategies over the next several years.
A whopping 90% of survey respondents said they either “Very much” or “Somewhat” enjoy watching video content from brands online.
Video Consumption Statistics and Usage in 2023
Usage of Video Content via Businesses and End Users:
In just a few years, online videos will make up a huge portion of all internet traffic. By 2023, they will make up more than 82% of traffic, which is 15 times higher than in 2015. And by 2022, 83.3% of internet users accessed digital video content across the globe.
Around 72% of customers said that they would rather learn about a product or service through video. 61% said that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.
The number of businesses using video as a marketing tool has increased rapidly in recent years, with 86% of businesses now using video compared to just 63% five years ago.
It’s no secret that a lot of people prefer watching videos on their mobile devices rather than a desktop computer. Studies show that more than 75% of videos are played on mobile devices.
75% prefer to watch videos horizontally while 25% prefer to watch them vertically.
Silent viewing is becoming increasingly common, with 92% of consumers watching videos with the sound off. This makes captions imperative for videos, as 50% of consumers rely on them. To ensure video content is seen by the largest audience possible, they are getting optimized for silent viewing these days.
Usage of Video Content for Social Media
Video content is on the rise, with social media users increasingly looking for entertaining and informative videos. This trend presents a great opportunity for companies to use video as part of their social marketing strategy. YouTube is the most popular platform among marketers for sharing videos, followed by Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
⦁ Video posts on social media are more popular than posts without videos, with 48% more views.
⦁ Users want to see entertaining videos on social media, with 73% saying they prefer to watch entertaining and funny content.
⦁ Additionally, vlogs are being used by 16% of social video viewers to research products, and 17% of companies use live video as part of their social marketing strategy.
⦁ As per the responses of marketing professionals, YouTube is the most popular video sharing platform among marketers. Global time spent on YouTube is 88%, followed by Facebook (75%), LinkedIn (66%), and Instagram (65%).
Video Marketing Statistics for YouTube
⦁ A lot of people enjoy YouTube as their main source for watching videos. Nearly 2/3 of viewers say that YouTube is their favorite channel for consuming video content.
⦁ What’s even more interesting is that 62% of universal searches on Google include a video. And out of those video results, 8 out of 10 come from YouTube!
⦁ There are almost 40 million active channels on YouTube. That’s a lot of people regularly creating new content.
⦁ Out of those millions of channels, 22,000 have crossed the 1 million subscriber mark.
Wrapping up: Infobrand’s Statistics Report on Video Marketing Trends in 2023
Videos are becoming increasingly popular as a marketing tool, with more than 90% of people saying they want to see more videos from brands in 2023. This makes video an excellent tool for generating leads and increasing brand awareness. As audiences continue to explore and make purchases online, video has become a non-negotiable element for many businesses.
Our Infobrandz’ video marketing survey report is a complete guide that provides some great insights into video marketing and where it’s headed in the next few years. Video is a popular marketing tool, with nearly 9 out of 10 businesses using it.
As per these statistics, some important objectives can be achieved by using this type of video media content, which is almost universally popular among both marketers and their audiences.